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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
9027 | Custom Apparel Set | Custom Apparel Card (3 slots). Required to be in temporary bag if you have a custom apparel ticket open. If not, your ticket will be denied and closed. | 0 | Common Item |
9028 | Custom Apparel Set (+1) | +1 additional slot (4 slots total) for your Custom Apparel. Required to be in temporary bag if you have a custom apparel ticket open. If not, your ticket will be denied and closed. | 0 | Common Item |
9029 | Nitro Booster Custom Card | Nitro Booster Custom Apparel Card (1 slot). Required to be in temporary bag if you have a custom apparel ticket open. If not, your ticket will be denied and closed. | 0 | Common Item |
9030 | Slice of Phoenix Pie | A slice of the savory phoenix pie. Exchange 24x pieces for a complete Phoenix Pie! | 0 | Common Item |
9031 | Phoenix Pie | This savory pie grants your mount the chance to rise anew with reset stats. Visit any upgrade to reset a Lv1 or higher mount stats! | 0 | Common Item |
9032 | Pumpkin Head - 2023 | An evil pumpkin head used by our Pumpkin Head Collection Event. | 0 | Common Item |
9034 | Pumpkin Head - 2024 | An evil pumpkin head used by our Pumpkin Head Collection Event. | 0 | Common Item |
9201 | Rare Clownfish | — | 0 | Common Item |
9202 | Artic Crab | — | 0 | Common Item |
9203 | Desert Crab | — | 0 | Common Item |
9204 | Frozen Mantaray | — | 0 | Common Item |
9205 | Raw Perch | — | 0 | Common Item |
9206 | Desert Fish | — | 0 | Common Item |
9251 | Rage Stone Enchantment | Upgrade your starter set into Rage Set! Cannot be traded. | 0 | Common Item |
9252 | Sage Stone Enchantment | Upgrade your starter set into Sage Set! Cannot be traded. | 0 | Common Item |
9253 | Starter Weap Stone Enchantment | Upgraded your starter weapon into Rage/Sage! Cannot be traded. | 0 | Common Item |
9254 | Totem Event Token | An item claimed from the Event Totems. Cannot be traded. | 0 | Common Item |
9584 | Jewelry Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9585 | Bayne's Agile Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Merchants. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9586 | Bayne's Hardened Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Champions. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9587 | Bayne's Divined Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Crusaders. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9588 | Bayne's Shrouded Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Sharpshooters. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9589 | Temis's Holy Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Clerics. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9590 | Temis's Chaotic Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Sealmasters. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9591 | Temis's Tidal Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Voyagers. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9592 | Bayne's Jewelry Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Melee classes. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9593 | Temis's Jewelry Fracture | A fractured portion of a mythical Jewelery piece for Magic classes. Visit Jeweler - Sarah to shop. | 0 | Common Item |
9902 | Merits | A merit earned in the Vespasian Coliseum. Sell to any NPC to gain that amount of Merits. | 0 | Common Item |
9903 | Guild credit | Guild credits. Sell to any NPC to gain that amount of Guild credits. | 0 | Common Item |
9906 | Rage Pass EXP | Add 10 pass EXP to a season of your choice. Select the season to add from the Rage Pass window. | 0 | Common Item |
9966 | RMG Fragment | Exchange 10x for Lv1 [RMG]. Exchange at the ROSO Shop NPC. | 0 | Common Item |
9967 | SMG Fragment | Exchange 10x for Lv1 [SMG]. Exchange at the ROSO Shop NPC. | 0 | Common Item |
9972 | Tier 2 DW Boss Key | Required to open [Tier 2 DW Boss Box]. | 0 | Common Item |
9975 | Torn Trait Fission Tablet | Exchange 3x for 1x Trait Fission Tablet. Exchange at the ROSO Coin Shop. | 0 | Common Item |