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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

ID Name Description Level Type
7574 1,000 IMPs Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [1,000 IMPs] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7575 1,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [1,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7576 5,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [5,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7577 10,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [10,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7578 50,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [50,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7579 100,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [100,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7580 100 Honor Scroll 100 Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 100 honor! 0 Common Item
7581 500 Honor Scroll 500 Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 500 honor! 0 Common Item
7582 1,000 Honor Scroll 1k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 1k honor! 0 Common Item
7583 5,000 Honor Scroll 5k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 5k honor! 0 Common Item
7584 20,000 Honor Scroll 20k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 20k honor! 0 Common Item
7592 Dark Matter Ring Key Dark Matter Ring Key. Required to upgrade your ROSO Ring into Dark Ring. Once you have the required items, visit Furnace of Immortality. (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7593 Dark Matter Necklace Key Dark Matter Necklace Key. Required to upgrade your Master Necklace into Dark Necklace. Once you have the required items, visit Furnace of Immortality. (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7619 1 IGS Crystal Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 1 IGS Crystal = 1 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7620 5 IGS Crystals Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 5 IGS Crystals = 5 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7621 10 IGS Crystals Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 10 IGS Crystals = 10 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7622 50 IGS Crystals Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 50 IGS Crystals = 50 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7623 100 IGS Crystals Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 100 IGS Crystals = 100 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7634 Metnoc Pliers Allows contem stones to be extracted from terror capes. 0 Common Item
7640 Blood of My Enemies Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Crusaders] 0 Common Item
7641 Specter's Essence Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Clerics/ Seal masters/ Voyagers] 0 Common Item
7642 Champion's Roar Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Champions] 0 Common Item
7643 Thief's Shroud Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Merchants] 0 Common Item
7644 Archer's Eye Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Sharpshooters] 0 Common Item
7645 Metnoc Stabilizer Required in order to add sockets to your cape. 0 Common Item
7649 Guild Name Change Are you the leader of a guild? Want to change your guild name? No problem! Visit our website [] and login to your guild leader account! 0 Common Item
7651 Guild War (+1 Tower) Add +1 Tower to defend your base in Guild War. Cost [4]. Max Amount [20]. 0 Common Item
7652 Guild War (+1 Guardian) Add +1 Guardian to defend your base in Guild War. Cost [5]. Max Amount [10]. 0 Common Item
7653 Guild War (+1 Wolf Archer) Add +1 Watch Dog to your guild's side in Guild War. Cost [4]. Max Amount [15]. 0 Common Item
7654 Guild War (+1 Pirate) Add +1 Pirate to your opponents side in Guild War. Cost [5]. Max Amount [5]. 0 Common Item
7655 Guild War (+1 Soldier) Add +1 Soldier your guild's side in Guild War. Cost [2]. Max Amount [25]. 0 Common Item
7656 Guild War (+1 Captain) Add +1 Captain to defend your base in Guild War. Cost [6]. Max Amount [10]. 0 Common Item
7657 Guild War (+7% Base Defense) Increase your base's defense by 7%. Cost [15]. Max Amount [5]. 0 Common Item
7658 Guild War (+5% Base Attack) Increase your base's attack by 5%. Cost [15]. Max Amount [5] 0 Common Item
7659 Guild War (+1 Bomb[Novice]) Add +1 Novice - Bomb to defend your base in Guild War. Damages 5% of enemy current HP. Cost [1]. Max Amount [10]. 0 Common Item
7660 Guild War (+1 Bomb[Standard]) Add +1 Standard - Bomb to defend your base in Guild War. Damages 10% of enemy current HP. Cost [3]. Max Amount [7]. 0 Common Item
7661 Guild War (+1 Bomb[Expert]) Add +1 Expert - Bomb to defend your base in Guild War. Damages 15% of enemy current HP. Cost [5]. Max Amount [5]. 0 Common Item
7662 Guild War (+1 Paralyze[Novice]) Add +1 Novice - Paralyze effect in your guilds base. Will paralyze enemy for 1 sec. Cost [1]. Max Amount [6]. 0 Common Item
7663 Guild War (+1 Paralyze[Standard]) Add +1 Standard - Paralyze effect in your guilds base. Will paralyze enemy for 2 sec. Cost [2]. Max Amount [4]. 0 Common Item
7664 Guild War (+1 Paralyze[Expert]) Add +1 Expert - Paralyze effect in your guilds base. Will paralyze enemy for 4 sec. Cost [4]. Max Amount [3]. 0 Common Item
7665 Guild War (+1 Water Mine[Novice]) Add +1 Novice - Water Mine to your base's sea area in Guild War. Cost [1]. Max Amount [20]. 0 Common Item
7666 Guild War (+1 Water Mine[Standard]) Add +1 Standard - Water Mine to your base's sea area in Guild War. Cost [2]. Max Amount [18]. 0 Common Item
7667 Guild War (+1 Water Mine[Expert]) Add +1 Expert - Water Mine to your base's sea area in Guild War. Cost [4]. Max Amount [15]. 0 Common Item
7668 Guild War Box Double click in order to obtain some prizes for winning Guild War. 0 Common Item
7678 25x Forsaken Medals Visit FC/DS Exchanger to exchange me for 25x Forsaken Medals. 0 Common Item
7679 25x Dark Medals Visit FC/DS Exchanger to exchange me for 25x Dark Medals. 0 Common Item
7680 useless used in past event. no longer useful. you can delete me. 0 Common Item
7692 Kylin Sigil A Blessed Runestone with the Kylin effects. Drag to your temporary bag to take effect. 0 Common Item
7693 Fearless Sigil A Blessed Runestone with the Fearless effects. Drag to your temporary bag to take effect. 0 Common Item
7695 Hydros Fruit Fragment A sour apple fragment. 0 Common Item