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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
7574 | 1,000 IMPs Token | Exchangeable on our website. Adds [1,000 IMPs] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7575 | 1,000 Credits Token | Exchangeable on our website. Adds [1,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7576 | 5,000 Credits Token | Exchangeable on our website. Adds [5,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7577 | 10,000 Credits Token | Exchangeable on our website. Adds [10,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7578 | 50,000 Credits Token | Exchangeable on our website. Adds [50,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7579 | 100,000 Credits Token | Exchangeable on our website. Adds [100,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7580 | 100 Honor Scroll | 100 Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 100 honor! | 0 | Common Item |
7581 | 500 Honor Scroll | 500 Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 500 honor! | 0 | Common Item |
7582 | 1,000 Honor Scroll | 1k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 1k honor! | 0 | Common Item |
7583 | 5,000 Honor Scroll | 5k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 5k honor! | 0 | Common Item |
7584 | 20,000 Honor Scroll | 20k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 20k honor! | 0 | Common Item |
7592 | Dark Matter Ring Key | Dark Matter Ring Key. Required to upgrade your ROSO Ring into Dark Ring. Once you have the required items, visit Furnace of Immortality. (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7593 | Dark Matter Necklace Key | Dark Matter Necklace Key. Required to upgrade your Master Necklace into Dark Necklace. Once you have the required items, visit Furnace of Immortality. (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7619 | 1 IGS Crystal | Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 1 IGS Crystal = 1 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7620 | 5 IGS Crystals | Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 5 IGS Crystals = 5 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7621 | 10 IGS Crystals | Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 10 IGS Crystals = 10 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7622 | 50 IGS Crystals | Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 50 IGS Crystals = 50 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7623 | 100 IGS Crystals | Exchangeable on our website or IGShop NPC. 100 IGS Crystals = 100 Crystals added to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) | 0 | Common Item |
7634 | Metnoc Pliers | Allows contem stones to be extracted from terror capes. | 0 | Common Item |
7640 | Blood of My Enemies | Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Crusaders] | 0 | Common Item |
7641 | Specter's Essence | Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Clerics/ Seal masters/ Voyagers] | 0 | Common Item |
7642 | Champion's Roar | Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Champions] | 0 | Common Item |
7643 | Thief's Shroud | Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Merchants] | 0 | Common Item |
7644 | Archer's Eye | Enhance your cape to the extreme. Visit any upgrader with your Lv7 Cape to proceed. [For Sharpshooters] | 0 | Common Item |
7645 | Metnoc Stabilizer | Required in order to add sockets to your cape. | 0 | Common Item |
7649 | Guild Name Change | Are you the leader of a guild? Want to change your guild name? No problem! Visit our website [] and login to your guild leader account! | 0 | Common Item |
7651 | Guild War (+1 Tower) | Add +1 Tower to defend your base in Guild War. Cost [4]. Max Amount [20]. | 0 | Common Item |
7652 | Guild War (+1 Guardian) | Add +1 Guardian to defend your base in Guild War. Cost [5]. Max Amount [10]. | 0 | Common Item |
7653 | Guild War (+1 Wolf Archer) | Add +1 Watch Dog to your guild's side in Guild War. Cost [4]. Max Amount [15]. | 0 | Common Item |
7654 | Guild War (+1 Pirate) | Add +1 Pirate to your opponents side in Guild War. Cost [5]. Max Amount [5]. | 0 | Common Item |
7655 | Guild War (+1 Soldier) | Add +1 Soldier your guild's side in Guild War. Cost [2]. Max Amount [25]. | 0 | Common Item |
7656 | Guild War (+1 Captain) | Add +1 Captain to defend your base in Guild War. Cost [6]. Max Amount [10]. | 0 | Common Item |
7657 | Guild War (+7% Base Defense) | Increase your base's defense by 7%. Cost [15]. Max Amount [5]. | 0 | Common Item |
7658 | Guild War (+5% Base Attack) | Increase your base's attack by 5%. Cost [15]. Max Amount [5] | 0 | Common Item |
7659 | Guild War (+1 Bomb[Novice]) | Add +1 Novice - Bomb to defend your base in Guild War. Damages 5% of enemy current HP. Cost [1]. Max Amount [10]. | 0 | Common Item |
7660 | Guild War (+1 Bomb[Standard]) | Add +1 Standard - Bomb to defend your base in Guild War. Damages 10% of enemy current HP. Cost [3]. Max Amount [7]. | 0 | Common Item |
7661 | Guild War (+1 Bomb[Expert]) | Add +1 Expert - Bomb to defend your base in Guild War. Damages 15% of enemy current HP. Cost [5]. Max Amount [5]. | 0 | Common Item |
7662 | Guild War (+1 Paralyze[Novice]) | Add +1 Novice - Paralyze effect in your guilds base. Will paralyze enemy for 1 sec. Cost [1]. Max Amount [6]. | 0 | Common Item |
7663 | Guild War (+1 Paralyze[Standard]) | Add +1 Standard - Paralyze effect in your guilds base. Will paralyze enemy for 2 sec. Cost [2]. Max Amount [4]. | 0 | Common Item |
7664 | Guild War (+1 Paralyze[Expert]) | Add +1 Expert - Paralyze effect in your guilds base. Will paralyze enemy for 4 sec. Cost [4]. Max Amount [3]. | 0 | Common Item |
7665 | Guild War (+1 Water Mine[Novice]) | Add +1 Novice - Water Mine to your base's sea area in Guild War. Cost [1]. Max Amount [20]. | 0 | Common Item |
7666 | Guild War (+1 Water Mine[Standard]) | Add +1 Standard - Water Mine to your base's sea area in Guild War. Cost [2]. Max Amount [18]. | 0 | Common Item |
7667 | Guild War (+1 Water Mine[Expert]) | Add +1 Expert - Water Mine to your base's sea area in Guild War. Cost [4]. Max Amount [15]. | 0 | Common Item |
7668 | Guild War Box | Double click in order to obtain some prizes for winning Guild War. | 0 | Common Item |
7678 | 25x Forsaken Medals | Visit FC/DS Exchanger to exchange me for 25x Forsaken Medals. | 0 | Common Item |
7679 | 25x Dark Medals | Visit FC/DS Exchanger to exchange me for 25x Dark Medals. | 0 | Common Item |
7680 | useless | used in past event. no longer useful. you can delete me. | 0 | Common Item |
7692 | Kylin Sigil | A Blessed Runestone with the Kylin effects. Drag to your temporary bag to take effect. | 0 | Common Item |
7693 | Fearless Sigil | A Blessed Runestone with the Fearless effects. Drag to your temporary bag to take effect. | 0 | Common Item |
7695 | Hydros Fruit Fragment | A sour apple fragment. | 0 | Common Item |