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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
6804 | Kylin Ring Fragment | Kylin Ring Fragment. Obtain the pieces to get Kylin Ring | 0 | Common Item |
6805 | Kylin Necklace Fragment | Kylin Necklace Fragment. Obtain the pieces to get Kylin Necklace | 0 | Common Item |
6879 | Hell Chapter Token | Hell Chapter Token used to teleport within Hell Chapter. | 0 | Common Item |
6880 | Bottom Left key | This key dropped from Hell Chapter mobs and used to Enter the boss area. | 0 | Common Item |
6881 | Bottom Right key | This key dropped from Hell Chapter mobs and used to Enter the boss area. | 0 | Common Item |
6882 | Top Left key | This key dropped from Hell Chapter Mobs and used to Enter the boss area. | 0 | Common Item |
6883 | Top Right key | This key dropped from Hell Chapter Mobs and used to Enter the boss area. | 0 | Common Item |
6985 | Angela Card | Angela Card. Can Obtain Angela Junior With 2 Of These. | 0 | Common Item |
7055 | Courage Certificate | Pick up items needed in the Daily Investigation Quests. Due consideration is advised before you delete any of these items. | 0 | Common Item |
7056 | Daily Investigation Quest Medal of Honor | Go to Argent (2202, 2776) and then see Fannin for rewards. | 0 | Common Item |
7080 | ROSO Coin | ROSO Coin :D | 0 | Common Item |
7133 | Grandoise Rope | The finest thread in all of the land, obtain the certain amounts of thread to have the tailor make a grandoise set for you | 0 | Common Item |
7189 | Mystic Chest | Open the Mystic Chest to get a surprise! | 0 | Common Item |
7190 | Chest of Dream | Open the Chest of Dreams to obtain a surprise! | 0 | Common Item |
7191 | Flowery Chest | Open the Flowery Chest for a big surprise! | 0 | Common Item |
7192 | Deathless Chest | Open the Deathless Chest for a big surprise!?? | 0 | Common Item |
7193 | Stamp | Gather a certain amount of stamps and exchange them for a treasure chest! | 0 | Common Item |
7233 | Award Permit | After the event ends, you will receive rewards based on the number of Award Permits you obtained. | 0 | Common Item |
7244 | Copper Badge | 099 Copper Badges can be used to redeem for a Silver Badge. | 0 | Common Item |
7245 | Silver Badge | 99 Silver Badges can be used to redeem for a Golden Badge. | 0 | Common Item |
7246 | Golden Badge | A Golden Badge can be used to redeem for a mystic reward from GM. | 0 | Common Item |
7247 | Christmas Voucher | You will have a big surprise this Christmas! | 0 | Common Item |
7306 | Master Stone | Use to become a master. | 0 | Common Item |
7312 | Event Reward Tile | Used to redeem prizes in Events Square. Visit the Redemption NPC to see what you'll get. | 0 | Common Item |
7355 | Kylin Exchange Piece | You can use me to exchange for a full kylin set, kylin rings, kylin necklace and kylin weapon! | 0 | Common Item |
7356 | +25 VIP Set Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
7357 | +26 VIP Set Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
7358 | Equipment Card | Double click to obtain a gemmed [Fusable VIP Set|Dark Rings/Neck|Hydros Weapons|Lv175 Pet|4th RB] for your class. | 0 | Common Item |
7359 | +24 Set Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
7360 | +25 Set Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
7361 | +26 Set Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
7362 | +27 Set Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
7363 | Sage Exchange | Exchange me at the npc in argent city to obtain a sage set, sage weapon, roso ring and necklace for your class. | 0 | Common Item |
7364 | Rage Exchange | Exchange me at the npc in argent city to obtain a rage set, rage weapon, roso ring and necklace for your class. | 0 | Common Item |
7365 | Reforge Piece | You wont gain any exp from any mobs with me in your inventory :) | 0 | Common Item |
7367 | No-Exp Stone | You will be unable to obtain EXP from monsters. Drag to your temporary bag to take effect. | 0 | Common Item |
7375 | Soul of Red Dragon | Quest Item! | 0 | Common Item |
7376 | Soul of Volcanic Dragon | Quest Item! | 0 | Common Item |
7385 | Earthen Sequence | This could come in handy. | 0 | Common Item |
7386 | Tender Web | Sticky tender web that can only be removed by burning | 0 | Common Item |
7387 | Captain Mark | Fearful to behold | 0 | Common Item |
7388 | Fog of Conviction | A cloud of fog that causes hallucination | 0 | Common Item |
7389 | Evil Helmet | A helmet that causes misfortune | 0 | Common Item |
7390 | Combustable Silk | Legend has it that this fine silk could be used for many great things.. | 0 | Common Item |
7408 | Marriage Certificate | This here certificate proves that you are married! I cannot be deleted unless you wish to be divorced! If you want to be divorced, please go see the priest at Church! Drag to your temporary bag to take effect. | 0 | Common Item |
7409 | Divorce Certificate | You will need to show me to the priest, in order to prove that you can be divorced! | 0 | Common Item |
7415 | Please Delete Me | No use. | 0 | Common Item |
7431 | Fearless Emblem | Bring me to any upgrader to obtain a fearless accessory | 0 | Common Item |
7445 | Fractured Head | — | 0 | Common Item |
7446 | Rusted Gear | — | 0 | Common Item |