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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
6035 | Master Stone Piece 3 | Third Piece of The Master Stone. Can be obtained by master's quest. | 0 | Common Item |
6036 | Master's Skull | An item needed for master Quest. | 0 | Common Item |
6037 | Master's Tooth | An item needed for master Quest. | 0 | Common Item |
6038 | Fake Master Stone | An Item needed For master Quest. | 0 | Common Item |
6039 | Master Quest Start Badge 2 | A Badge needed to continue the master's quest. | 0 | Common Item |
6040 | Master Quest Finish Badge | A Badge needed to finish the master's quest. | 0 | Common Item |
6041 | Masters Heart | A beating heart of the Supreme Master's Minions. | 0 | Common Item |
6043 | Pet Lv Up Card(175) | Use me at the Pet NPC in Shaitan City to obtain a Lv175 Pet Fruit. | 0 | Common Item |
6044 | Special Promotion Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
6045 | Champion Promotion Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
6046 | SharpShooter Promotion Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
6047 | Cleric Promotion Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
6048 | SealMaster Promotion Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
6049 | Voyager Promotion Card | — | 0 | Common Item |
6200 | The Heart Sutra | These scrolls will give you cryptic messages. God Ville wants to get them. | 0 | Common Item |
6231 | Rune of Courtesy | The stone is used in some sacrificial rituals and thus granted a mystic power that can released sealed souls. | 0 | Common Item |
6232 | Rune of Justness | The stone is used in some sacrificial rituals and thus granted a mystic power that can released sealed souls. | 0 | Common Item |
6233 | Rune of Pity | The stone is used in some sacrificial rituals and thus granted a mystic power that can released sealed souls. | 0 | Common Item |
6234 | Rune of Courage | The stone is used in some sacrificial rituals and thus granted a mystic power that can released sealed souls. | 0 | Common Item |
6236 | King Tortoise's Shell | Huge Turtle Shell | 0 | Common Item |
6237 | Wonder Stone | Ugly-looking stone and age has left its traces on its surface | 0 | Common Item |
6238 | Mottled Stone | Stones dropped from some unknown monster. Nobody can tell what it is used for. | 0 | Common Item |
6239 | Unusual Bear Paw | It looks the same as a Solid Bear Paw. But there is something strange about it, you can't deny. | 0 | Common Item |
6240 | Crystal Rib | It is a glittering and translucent carving and kept in good condition over the past years. | 0 | Common Item |
6241 | Clumsy Beast's Hide | I can tell you that this hide must belong to a clumsy beast | 0 | Common Item |
6242 | Manbeast Captain Battleaxe | The Battleaxe is used by the Manbeast Captain with a lion's heart | 0 | Common Item |
6243 | Cheetahs' teeth | Sharp teeth | 0 | Common Item |
6244 | General's Lantern | Lantern exclusively used by the General that is brighter than ordinary ones | 0 | Common Item |
6245 | Heavy Sheet Iron | It is impregnable and used as a shield by some barbarian tribes. | 0 | Common Item |
6246 | Leftover Food | A half-eaten fish bone. Good for your health | 0 | Common Item |
6247 | Sword Soul | Burst out endless sword energy to surrounding enemies | 0 | Common Item |
6248 | Enchanted Staff | The staff used to be the weapon of the most ruthless mages. | 0 | Common Item |
6249 | Dream Angel | Hijacked Wonderful Dream | 0 | Common Item |
6269 | Fourth RB Start | An item needed to start 4th RB | 0 | Common Item |
6524 | Lance Wanderer Set | Open me to obtain Lance Wanderer Set | 0 | Common Item |
6525 | Carsise Wanderer Set | Open me to obtain Carsise Wanderer Set | 0 | Common Item |
6526 | Phyllis Wanderer Set | Open me to obtain Phyllis Wanderer Set | 0 | Common Item |
6527 | Ami Wanderer Set | Open me to obtain Ami Wanderer Set | 0 | Common Item |
6528 | Lance Battle King Set | Open me to obtain Lance Battle King Set | 0 | Common Item |
6529 | Carsise Battle King Set | Open me to obtain Carsise Battle King Set | 0 | Common Item |
6530 | Phyllis Battle King Set | Open me to obtain Phyllis Battle King Set | 0 | Common Item |
6531 | Ami Battle King Set | Open me to obtain Ami Battle King Set | 0 | Common Item |
6532 | Divinity Swords | Open me to obtain Divinity Swords | 0 | Common Item |
6533 | Aurora Swords | Open me to obtain Aurora Swords | 0 | Common Item |
6534 | Lance White Demon | Open me to obtain Lance White Demon Set | 0 | Common Item |
6535 | Carsise White Demon | Open me to obtain Carsise White Demon Set | 0 | Common Item |
6536 | Phyllis White Demon | Open me to obtain Phyllis White Demon Set | 0 | Common Item |
6537 | Ami White Demon | Open me to obtain Ami White Demon Set | 0 | Common Item |
6568 | Old Man Lilith's Book | Keep me in your inventory to obtain extra gold! | 0 | Common Item |
6803 | Kylin Card Fragment | Kylin Card Fragment. Obtain the pieces to get Kylin Card | 0 | Common Item |