

Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.

ROSO Game Database

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Stall name Seller Location
Trait 'Divined' Elite Blueprint Divine Power Divine Paladin
@MsBankMoney Argent City
(2200, 2789)
Holy Ice Sword Savage Bull Shield Heavenly Rage Black Angelic Wings
@MisterBankMoney Argent City
(2204, 2784)
( buy and grab )
Special Fireworks Blade of the Frozen Crescent Fearless Ring Rattle Drum Burning Crescent Mirable Paradise Robe-Phyllis Fearless Ring 5,000 Credits Token Barborosa's Fork Snow Cub Sword of Crimson Flame Mirable Paradise Shoes-Phyllis Grass Tortoise Mirable Paradise Gloves(White) Shivering Bow
@Zenshin Argent City
(2164, 2768)
( Customs weapons,ARG tele )
Zom Ghost Bow Zom Demon Bow Zombie Dragon Bow
@Zombie-Shooter- Argent City
(2187, 2781)
( abba tickets )
Abaddon Entrance Ticket
@Mikebean Argent City
(2189, 2781)
( ref 3t )
Refining Gem
@crazyvibes Heaven / Naval Base / Abaddon 1-4
(600, 612)
( tt )
Shattered Sigil Feather Mystic Leaf of Fall Shrouded Belt of Bayne Divined Bracelet of Bayne
@etherh Demension's Castle
(25, 33)
( Ref Gem Lv9 & Unseal Cape )
Refining Gem
@aya Argent City
(2197, 2719)
( cheap gr8 colo set/smg )
Great Gem of Colossus Lv1-4 SMG Chest Snowflake Statue
@Jurikes~ Argent City
(2233, 2902)
( EXP Scroll )
+1% EXP Scroll
@·SSilentZs Argent City
(2231, 2767)
Merits Heavenly Rage Grenade Lv2 Radiation Lv2 Carrion Ball Lv2
@Velajuel Argent City
(2217, 2783)
( stalll )
Heavenly Chest Lv1-4 Heavenly Chest Shrouded Bracelet of Bayne Shrouded Handguard of Bayne Lv3 Heavenly Chest Lv4 Dizzy Lv7 Self Destruct Lv2 Revive Lv1 Confusion
@xlass09 Argent City
(2206, 2716)
( Best )
Left Twix Candy Bar
@-Katrin- Argent City
(2140, 2776)
( AFK )
Dark Royal Boots
@[QpaL]Steppy#14 Icicle City
(1351, 557)
( S>T> for Weed Bow DiscSteppy0093 )
Runic BoW
@~`[Alsh]`~#14 Icicle City
(1352, 514)
( dsniper/dspeed1-9 )
Divine Sniper Divine Speed
@[KoRaG] Argent City
(2230, 2813)
( AUG )
Augment Prevent Decrease
@naosei Argent City
(2194, 2779)
( )
Fairy Coin
@ThinkingName Argent City
(2195, 2891)
( ref )
Refining Gem
@AwiGreen Argent City
(2190, 2759)
( 175 Str/ Dark Rings / RMG .... )
Wyvern Shard Master Neck Rage Master Gem Chest Mordo Junior Sage Master Gem Chest Christmas Gift I Dark Ring Gambling Chest Spooky Ghost
@^[-Blue-]^ Argent City
(2228, 2865)