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May 04, 2024          01:50:09 PM

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20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


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Ranking List
Rank Player Score
1st ~Lizzy 7,793
2nd -[#24]+Wegzz.~ 4,839
3rd Zenpie#86 4,824
4th ~*Jutyx*~ 4,652
5th SpallanZany 4,636
6 Strongarm 2,724
7 l~[#Groggy#]~l 2,412
8 Star~ 2,098
9 -[#24]+Wegzz~ 1,954
10 zSkill. 1,820

June 16 2013
by [Admin]Rage

Want to be apart of our staff?!?

Well hello to all you ROSO players!

We are seriously lacking some in game support which is mostly my fault for being so busy (Summer vacation)

Well now you can!

You can now apply for the position of Help Desk or known as HD for most people.

We will be adding 2 new HDS to our server to help out!

Requirements we are looking for (Must qualify for at least 5/8 requirements. The fields marked with * are a must!)

-At least a 6 hour difference in timezone from GMT-3 and GMT-4 *

-Know how to find which timezone you are in (LOL)

-Can speak at least 2 different languages fluently(ENGLISH IS A MUST AS ONE OF THE LANGUAGES. I DO NOT MEAN A GRAMMAR NAZI EITHER!) *

-Has had experience in helping some other person other than a friend/family member. (Ex: Community service, Customer Service, etc.)

-Knowledgeable about most of the ROSO in game and website functions.(ESPECIALLY THE RULES)

-Has never been a staff member before. *

-Has never had a banned account before. (Temporary bans are not counted since I did them to protect your account.) *

-Has some knowledge about PHP and LUA. (Does not have to be much. Heck it can even be just being able too say echo "Hello".)

Now, if you believe you qualify for at least 5 out the 8 requirements, continue to read. If not, you should close out this tab my friend *lol*.

Now then, what exactly can and HD do?

What they can do

-Name Changes
-Search trade logs to help hacked cases
-Ban/Unban players
-Call players
-Go to players
-Mute players
-Talk in system
-Organize In game events
-Help players via our support emails (Soon to be Live support)
-Automatic Admin accounts in forum

What they can NOT do

-Create items
-Restart server
-Add IMPS/Credits to an account
-Share their HD account with friends
-Give your account information out to other players

I have a LOG of every single move you make while you have an HD account on our server. If there is ONE single thing that does not comply with my staff rules (Which I will give to the players who are chosen to be HDs) you will be kicked out from staff no questions asked and all your in game accounts banned.

HD payments will also be discussed with the players who have been chosen.

Now that you understand what HDs can and cannot do, lets go on to how you can apply.

How to apply

In order to apply, you MUST send an email to

[email protected]

With the following Information.

Put this as the subject "HD Application Form"
Inside the email you must complete the following

Why do you want to be HD? Explain fully
What is your time zone?
What language(s) can you speak?
Do you have any experience in helping people? If so, say where
If you are chosen, What do you want your HD name to be?(Ex. [HD]Raptor)
Have you honestly been banned in Rage of Sage Online before?
What times are you usually able to log in?
What is your current main character name?

All applications will be looked at carefully to determine the 2 best suited for the job!

Applications will only be accepted till June 25th 2013!, After that applications will be closed! We will announce the new HDs on June 26th!

Thank You,

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