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ROSO Game Database

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Stall name Seller Location
( )
Agile Bracelet of Bayne Tidal Belt of Temis Agile Handguard of Bayne Chaotic Belt of Temis Lv1 Excruciating Soul Chest Elder Wyvern Summon Scroll Chaotic Handguard of Temis Trait Class Change Pouch of Melancholy Augment Success Increase Orb Disolver
@~~TOP~GUN~~ Argent City
(2151, 2778)
( Jewelry SM/SS! )
Chaotic Handguard of Temis Shrouded Bracelet of Bayne Shrouded Handguard of Bayne
@Kazinski Argent City
(2219, 2789)
( Some Things )
Sage Master Gem SW - Winning Box Rage Master Gem Chest Lv1-4 Azrael Glare
@Venti Argent City
(2216, 2783)
( New stallerr )
Raid Shard Holy Handguard of Temis Wyvern Shard Upgraded Sage Chest Right Twix Candy Bar Augment Prevent Decrease Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Left Twix Candy Bar Fearless Armor
@HighPower Icicle City
(1320, 523)
( new itemsssssss )
Pet Lv Up Card(175) Exquisite Feed Reforging Scroll Jewelry Chest VIP Set Chest Raid Shard Augment Mini Success Increase Sage Master Gem Wyvern Shard Rage Bow Chest Rage Knife&Cutter Chest Rage Sword Chest Marriage Chest
@stallerĀ·p Icicle City
(1315, 517)
( Bank cleaning )
Rage Master Gem Chest Sage Master Gem Chest Wyvern Shard Master Neck Little Cat Ascendant Shard ROSO Ring 100 IMPs Token VIP Set Chest Sage Master Gem Rage Master Gem
@RMGSMG Argent City
(2220, 2757)
( VIP | Marriage | Augs | Weapons )
VIP Set Chest Marriage Chest Pouch of Melancholy Rage Gun Chest Rage Bow Chest Rage Sword Chest Rage Hammer Chest Fury Rage Blade Chest Rage Knife&Cutter Chest Sage Dagger Chest Sage Staff Chest Sage Seal Chest Augment Mini Success Increase Gem Slot Card Augment Success Increase
@SevenEleven Argent City
(2242, 2792)
( Rmg 2,4,6,7, jews, badge )
Rage Master Gem Divined Handguard of Bayne Chaotic Bracelet of Temis Tidal Bracelet of Temis Hardened Belt of Bayne Holy Belt of Temis Pumpkin Witch
@Pampsxd Argent City
(2245, 2802)
( Jewls )
Hardened Handguard of Bayne Hardened Belt of Bayne Hardened Bracelet of Bayne Shrouded Handguard of Bayne
@GeppettoBanker Argent City
(2278, 2778)
( cheap cheap cheap )
Rage Pass EXP Sage Master Gem Chest Royal Potion Essence of Kara Deafening Blast Holy Bracelet of Temis Agile Belt of Bayne Chaotic Handguard of Temis Holy Belt of Temis Holy Handguard of Temis Hardened Bracelet of Bayne Chaotic Bracelet of Temis
@bank03 Argent City
(2192, 2786)
Sage Master Gem Chest Sage Master Gem Holy Handguard of Temis Divined Belt of Bayne Agile Handguard of Bayne Divined Bracelet of Bayne Hardened Belt of Bayne Tidal Handguard of Temis Agile Bracelet of Bayne Tidal Belt of Temis VIP Set Chest Augment Success Increase
@Chubs21 Argent City
(2182, 2781)