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ROSO Game Database

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Stall name Seller Location
( Contem bags )
Contem Stone Bag
@Bankerrrs123 Argent City
(2204, 2883)
( Cheap itemssssssss )
Master Neck Kylin Card Wyvern Shard Reforging Scroll Fairy of Agility Fairy of Accuracy 100% Combining Fruit 100% Forging Fruit Marriage Chest Holy Wyvern Helm Hydros Fruit Name Change Card Sealed Fearless Chest Dreamer Raid Shard Green Conquerer Snowman
@svgwra6 Argent City
(2224, 2716)
( RMS/SMG And Etcc )
Rage Master Gem Chest Sage Master Gem Chest Rage Master Gem Sage Master Gem Wyvern Shard VIP Set Chest Dark Matter Chest Reforging Scroll Name Change Card Jewelry Chest
@RMGSMG Argent City
(2220, 2757)
( New Stall all Pro Items )
Raid Shard Reforging Scroll Name Change Card Fairy of Accuracy VIP Set Chest Augment Mini Success Increase Pouch of Melancholy Fourth RB Chest +10% EXP Scroll Wyvern Shard Dark Matter Chest ROSO Rings Chest Reindeer Marriage Chest Strengthening Gem Master Neck
@SweetChild Argent City
(2243, 2802)
Divined Belt of Bayne Naive Snow Doll Bandit
@banknegaraMY Shaitan City
(901, 3573)
( Nefretri/ Restari/Blenaro/Hypema lv4 )
Contem Nefetri Contem Blenaro Contem Restari Contem Hynema
@Android18ez Argent City
(2201, 2890)
( )
Hardened Handguard of Bayne Holy Bracelet of Temis Contem Hynema Contem Blenaro Contem Restari Contem Nefetri Contem Ilyano Chaotic Handguard of Temis Chaotic Bracelet of Temis
@zContemBankz Argent City
(2246, 2705)
( crss )
Divined Belt of Bayne Divined Bracelet of Bayne Divined Handguard of Bayne
@[SS]-Gimbaran Argent City
(2307, 2749)
( VIP Chest | Rage & Sage Weapons )
VIP Set Chest Marriage Chest Rage Gun Chest Rage Bow Chest Rage Sword Chest Rage Hammer Chest Fury Rage Blade Chest Rage Knife&Cutter Chest Sage Dagger Chest Sage Staff Chest Sage Seal Chest Pouch of Melancholy Rage Shield
@SevenEleven Argent City
(2232, 2790)
( buy )
Spooky Ghost Special Fireworks Kord's Warrior Nightmare IV Nightmare III
@Stallxddd Argent City
(2219, 2712)
( buy )
Excruciating Dragon Eye
@sasasasssa Argent City
(2213, 2719)
( buy )
Excruciating Dragon Eye Lv1 Excruciating Soul Chest Lv1-4 Azrael Glare Excruciating Dragon Heart Azrael's Glare Lv1 Excruciating Eye Chest Trait Class Change Lv1-4 Azrael Light Lv2 Heavenly Chest Lv1 SORO Chest Lv1-3 Excruciating Eye Chest
@SetStallxd Argent City
(2226, 2710)
( buy )
Orb Bag Lv1 Excruciating Soul Chest Guardian Mark - V Contem Restari Lv1-4 Azrael Aggregation Lv1-4 Azrael Dance Lv1 Excruciating Eye Chest Azrael's Glare Lv1-3 Excruciating Eye Chest Contem Blenaro Lv1-4 Azrael Light Excruciating Dragon Eye
@stallxdss Argent City
(2222, 2712)
( buy )
Gingerbread House Lucifer's General Nightmare III Chest of Bravery Dragon's Medal
@stallxx Argent City
(2214, 2712)
( buy )
Excruciating Dragon Eye Lv2 Heavenly Chest Excruciating Dragon Soul Sage Seal Chest Lv1-4 Undead Azrael Lv1-4 Azrael Dance Lv1 Excruciating Eye Chest Sage Dagger Chest Lv1-3 Excruciating Soul Chest Lv1 ROSO Chest Great Gem of Wind
@cheeep7 Argent City
(2224, 2707)
( cheep )
Excruciating Dragon Eye Azreal Gloves-Lance Lv1-3 Excruciating Eye Chest Fearless Ring Lv1-4 Azrael Glare Piggy Boots Lv1 Excruciating Eye Chest Great Gem of Wind Lv3 ROSO Gem Chest Barborosa's Fork
@cheep8 Argent City
(2210, 2711)
( Divine Gems )
Divine Spirit Divine Power Divine Speed Divine Sniper
@{Voyager} Argent City
(756, 1436)
( help :/ )
@K1BC Argent City
(2222, 2801)
( Refs lv9 )
Refining Gem
@§AArthema Argent City
(2204, 2711)
Gem Slot Card Fission Scroll Trait 'Agile' Trait 'Divined' Trait 'Shrouded' Trait 'Typhoon' Trait 'Abyss' Trait 'Holy' Trait 'Hardened'
@Discount Icicle City
(1340, 540)