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Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

Crafting Blueprint
Crafting Blueprint
Crafting Blueprint
10G Droppable Tradable Deletable Not Stackable
Related Items: Manufacturing Blueprint, Cooking Blueprint

Available Recipes - 156

Serpentine Sword
Serpentine Sword
2 - 9x
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Criss Sword
Criss Sword
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
Lightning Crystal
Rebel Sword
Rebel Sword
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Crescent Sword
Crescent Sword
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Recca Bow
Recca Bow
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Exquisite Pistol
Exquisite Pistol
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Token Pistol
Token Pistol
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Mystic Crystal Fragment
2 - 9x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Moon Kris
Moon Kris
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Silver Ore Eolith
2 - 9x
Silver Ore Eolith
Crystalline Kris
Crystalline Kris
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Grace Wand
Grace Wand
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Beastly Wand
Beastly Wand
Strong Eletrical Crystal
2 - 9x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Battle Stave
Battle Stave
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Silver Ore Eolith
2 - 9x
Silver Ore Eolith
Crevice Shield
Crevice Shield
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Breast Plate
Breast Plate
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Mystic Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Chain Mail
Chain Mail
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Ruby Fragment
3 - 20x
Ruby Fragment
Strong Platemail
Strong Platemail
Bloody Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Bloody Polliwog Skin
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
Light Platemail
Light Platemail
3 - 20x
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Tribal Feather
2 - 9x
Tribal Feather
Feather Vest
Feather Vest
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Slippery Rock
3 - 20x
Slippery Rock
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Peacock Vest
Peacock Vest
Iron Fragment
3 - 20x
Iron Fragment
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Deckman Vest
Deckman Vest
Quartz Crystal
3 - 20x
Quartz Crystal
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Mastman Vest
Mastman Vest
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Mystic Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Duckling Costume
Duckling Costume
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Ducky Costume
Ducky Costume
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Hopperoo Costume
Hopperoo Costume
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Mud Slice
3 - 20x
Mud Slice
Travel Robe
Travel Robe
Mud Crystal
3 - 20x
Mud Crystal
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Holy Robe
Holy Robe
Pill Fragment
3 - 20x
Pill Fragment
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Passage Robe
Passage Robe
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Thick Wolf Hide
2 - 9x
Thick Wolf Hide
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Piety Robe
Piety Robe
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Slippery Rock
3 - 20x
Slippery Rock
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Happy Bunny Costume
Happy Bunny Costume
Solid Rock
3 - 20x
Solid Rock
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Kangaroo Costume
Kangaroo Costume
Solid Rock
3 - 20x
Solid Rock
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Bunny Baby Costume
Bunny Baby Costume
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Mud Slice
3 - 20x
Mud Slice
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Tribal Feather
2 - 9x
Tribal Feather
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
Chain Gauntlets
Chain Gauntlets
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Greasy Lizard Skin
2 - 9x
Greasy Lizard Skin
Mystic Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Strong Gauntlets
Strong Gauntlets
Intact Corpse Wrap
2 - 9x
Intact Corpse Wrap
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
Lightning Crystal
Light Gauntlets
Light Gauntlets
Torn Corpse Wrap
2 - 9x
Torn Corpse Wrap
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
Lightning Crystal
Feather Gloves
Feather Gloves
Dark Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Dark Arabic Silk
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Mystic Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Peacock Gloves
Peacock Gloves
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Intact Corpse Wrap
2 - 9x
Intact Corpse Wrap
Deckman Gloves
Deckman Gloves
Quartz Crystal
3 - 20x
Quartz Crystal
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Beast Leather
2 - 9x
Beast Leather
Mastman Gloves
Mastman Gloves
Strong Eletrical Crystal
3 - 20x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Massive Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Massive Polliwog Skin
Duckling Muffs
Duckling Muffs
3 - 20x
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Thick Wolf Hide
2 - 9x
Thick Wolf Hide
Ducky Muffs
Ducky Muffs
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Electrical Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Electrical Jelly Skin
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
Hopperoo Muffs
Hopperoo Muffs
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
Lightning Crystal
Travel Gloves
Travel Gloves
Iron Fragment
3 - 20x
Iron Fragment
Black Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Black Polliwog Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Holy Gloves
Holy Gloves
3 - 20x
2 - 9x
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Passage Gloves
Passage Gloves
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Evil Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Evil Polliwog Skin
Piety Gloves
Piety Gloves
Immortal Fox Skin
2 - 9x
Immortal Fox Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
Happy Bunny Muffs
Happy Bunny Muffs
Strong Eletrical Crystal
3 - 20x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Evil Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Evil Polliwog Skin
Kangaroo Muffs
Kangaroo Muffs
Clarity Crystal
3 - 20x
Clarity Crystal
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Quality Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Quality Arabic Silk
Bunny Baby Muffs
Bunny Baby Muffs
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Silver Ore Eolith
3 - 20x
Silver Ore Eolith
Tribal Feather
2 - 9x
Tribal Feather
Lv 4 Strike Coral
Lv 4 Strike Coral
2 - 9x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Frozen Bone Fragment
3 - 20x
Frozen Bone Fragment
Magnificient Deer Skin
2 - 9x
Magnificient Deer Skin
Solid Rock
3 - 20x
Solid Rock
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Chain Greaves
Chain Greaves
Dark Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Dark Arabic Silk
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Strong Greaves
Strong Greaves
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Solid Rock
3 - 20x
Solid Rock
Massive Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Massive Polliwog Skin
Light Greaves
Light Greaves
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Slippery Rock
3 - 20x
Slippery Rock
Electrical Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Electrical Jelly Skin
Feather Boots
Feather Boots
3 - 20x
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Tribal Feather
2 - 9x
Tribal Feather
Peacock Boots
Peacock Boots
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Evil Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Evil Polliwog Skin
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Deckman Boots
Deckman Boots
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
2 - 9x
Mastman Boots
Mastman Boots
Shining Dolphin Tail
2 - 9x
Shining Dolphin Tail
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Duckling Shoes
Duckling Shoes
Magnificient Deer Skin
2 - 9x
Magnificient Deer Skin
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Slippery Rock
3 - 20x
Slippery Rock
Ducky Shoes
Ducky Shoes
Heart of Ice Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Heart of Ice Crystal Fragment
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Torn Corpse Wrap
2 - 9x
Torn Corpse Wrap
Hopperoo Shoes
Hopperoo Shoes
3 - 20x
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Dark Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Dark Arabic Silk
Travel Boots
Travel Boots
Tribal Feather
2 - 9x
Tribal Feather
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Mud Slice
3 - 20x
Mud Slice
Holy Boots
Holy Boots
Quality Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Quality Arabic Silk
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Passage Boots
Passage Boots
Intact Corpse Wrap
2 - 9x
Intact Corpse Wrap
Slippery Rock
3 - 20x
Slippery Rock
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Piety Boots
Piety Boots
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Rotten Fish Scale
3 - 20x
Rotten Fish Scale
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Happy Bunny Shoes
Happy Bunny Shoes
Magnificient Deer Skin
2 - 9x
Magnificient Deer Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Mud Slice
3 - 20x
Mud Slice
Kangaroo Shoes
Kangaroo Shoes
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
2 - 9x
Mud Slice
3 - 20x
Mud Slice
Bunny Baby Shoes
Bunny Baby Shoes
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Thick Wolf Hide
2 - 9x
Thick Wolf Hide
Mud Slice
3 - 20x
Mud Slice
Tattoo of the Cursed Warrior
Tattoo of the Cursed Warrior
Intact Mermaid Hair
2 - 9x
Intact Mermaid Hair
Cam Runestone
3 - 20x
Cam Runestone
Second Prize Voucher
1 - 3x
Second Prize Voucher
Platemail of the Cursed Soul
Platemail of the Cursed Soul
Intact Mermaid Hair
2 - 9x
Intact Mermaid Hair
Ja Runestone
3 - 20x
Ja Runestone
Second Prize Voucher
1 - 3x
Second Prize Voucher
Greatsword of Incantation
Greatsword of Incantation
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Silver Bar
2 - 9x
Silver Bar
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Blade of Incantation
Blade of Incantation
2 - 9x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Corset of Incantation
Corset of Incantation
Intact Mermaid Hair
2 - 9x
Intact Mermaid Hair
Yal Runestone
3 - 20x
Yal Runestone
Second Prize Voucher
1 - 3x
Second Prize Voucher
Kiss of the Cursed
Kiss of the Cursed
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Shimmering Rock Fragment
2 - 9x
Shimmering Rock Fragment
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Staff of Incantation
Staff of Incantation
2 - 9x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Coat of Invocation
Coat of Invocation
Intact Mermaid Hair
2 - 9x
Intact Mermaid Hair
Nal Runestone
3 - 20x
Nal Runestone
Second Prize Voucher
1 - 3x
Second Prize Voucher
Staff of Abraxas
Staff of Abraxas
Silver Bar
2 - 9x
Silver Bar
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Robe of Abraxas
Robe of Abraxas
Intact Mermaid Hair
2 - 9x
Intact Mermaid Hair
Sol Runestone
3 - 20x
Sol Runestone
Second Prize Voucher
1 - 3x
Second Prize Voucher
Tooth of the Cursed
Tooth of the Cursed
2 - 9x
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Mantle of the Cursed Flame
Mantle of the Cursed Flame
Intact Mermaid Hair
2 - 9x
Intact Mermaid Hair
El Runestone
3 - 20x
El Runestone
Second Prize Voucher
1 - 3x
Second Prize Voucher
Lv 4 Wind Coral
Lv 4 Wind Coral
Defiled Merman Scale
3 - 20x
Defiled Merman Scale
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Lv 4 Thunder Coral
Lv 4 Thunder Coral
Rotten Fish Scale
3 - 20x
Rotten Fish Scale
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Lv 4 Fog Coral
Lv 4 Fog Coral
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Big Tail Scale
3 - 20x
Big Tail Scale
Refining Gem
Refining Gem
Steel Snail Shell
3 - 20x
Steel Snail Shell
Novice Endeavor Emblem
1 - 3x
Novice Endeavor Emblem
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
2 - 9x
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Snowdoll Mask
Snowdoll Mask
Elven Fruit
1 - 3x
Elven Fruit
High Quality Wolf Pelt
2 - 9x
High Quality Wolf Pelt
Naiad Stone
3 - 20x
Naiad Stone
Pumpkin Mask
Pumpkin Mask
Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Arabic Silk
Small Crystal
3 - 20x
Small Crystal
Elven Fruit
1 - 3x
Elven Fruit
Deathsoul Mask
Deathsoul Mask
Elven Fruit
1 - 3x
Elven Fruit
Snowy Fluff
2 - 9x
Snowy Fluff
Strange Metal Fragment
3 - 20x
Strange Metal Fragment
Righteous Sword
Righteous Sword
Strong Eletrical Crystal
2 - 9x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Common Rebel Sword
Common Rebel Sword
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Silver Ore Eolith
2 - 9x
Silver Ore Eolith
Protector Sword
Protector Sword
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Enhanced Rebel Sword
Enhanced Rebel Sword
2 - 9x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Emerald Blade
Emerald Blade
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Tribal Sword
Tribal Sword
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Pocket Pistol
Pocket Pistol
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
Lightning Crystal
Steel Pistol
Steel Pistol
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Comet Spike
Comet Spike
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Quartz Dagger
Quartz Dagger
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Wand of Holiness
Wand of Holiness
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Feral Wand
Feral Wand
2 - 9x
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Restraining Staff
Restraining Staff
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Elegant Staff
Elegant Staff
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
Spike of Feint
Spike of Feint
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Gemmed Dagger
Gemmed Dagger
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Mystic Crystal Fragment
2 - 9x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Brilliance Wand
Brilliance Wand
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Wand of Vigor
Wand of Vigor
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Mystic Crystal Fragment
2 - 9x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Staff of Endeavor
Staff of Endeavor
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
Lightning Crystal
Spiritual Staff
Spiritual Staff
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Rusty Long Spear
3 - 20x
Rusty Long Spear
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Battle Armor of the Tempest
Battle Armor of the Tempest
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Iron Fragment
3 - 20x
Iron Fragment
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Battle Armor of Nature
Battle Armor of Nature
Heart of Ice Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Heart of Ice Crystal Fragment
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Gauntlets of the Tempest
Gauntlets of the Tempest
Dark Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Dark Arabic Silk
Quartz Crystal
3 - 20x
Quartz Crystal
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Greaves of the Tempest
Greaves of the Tempest
Dark Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Dark Arabic Silk
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Flaming Coat
Flaming Coat
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Silver Ore Eolith
3 - 20x
Silver Ore Eolith
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Flaming Gloves
Flaming Gloves
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Silver Ore Eolith
3 - 20x
Silver Ore Eolith
Greasy Lizard Skin
2 - 9x
Greasy Lizard Skin
Flaming Boots
Flaming Boots
3 - 20x
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Thick Wolf Hide
2 - 9x
Thick Wolf Hide
Coat of Frozen Crescent
Coat of Frozen Crescent
Clarity Crystal
3 - 20x
Clarity Crystal
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Glory Coat
Glory Coat
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Sparkling Arabic Pearl Fragment
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Gloves of Frozen Crescent
Gloves of Frozen Crescent
Beautiful Skin
2 - 9x
Beautiful Skin
Clarity Crystal
3 - 20x
Clarity Crystal
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Glory Gloves
Glory Gloves
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Black Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Black Polliwog Skin
Mystic Crystal Fragment
3 - 20x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Boots of Frozen Crescent
Boots of Frozen Crescent
Solid Rock
3 - 20x
Solid Rock
Black Polliwog Skin
2 - 9x
Black Polliwog Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Glory Boots
Glory Boots
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Slippery Rock
3 - 20x
Slippery Rock
Thick Wolf Hide
2 - 9x
Thick Wolf Hide
Coat of the Tempest
Coat of the Tempest
3 - 20x
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Charged Sea Jelly Skin
Gloves of the Tempest
Gloves of the Tempest
Magnificient Deer Skin
2 - 9x
Magnificient Deer Skin
Iron Fragment
3 - 20x
Iron Fragment
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Boots of the Tempest
Boots of the Tempest
Quality Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Quality Arabic Silk
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
3 - 20x
Arabic Dark Pearl Fragment
Duckling Cap
Duckling Cap
Iron Fragment
3 - 20x
Iron Fragment
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Greasy Lizard Skin
2 - 9x
Greasy Lizard Skin
Ducky Cap
Ducky Cap
Translucent Polliwog Fish Tail
2 - 9x
Translucent Polliwog Fish Tail
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
Lightning Crystal
Hopperoo Cap
Hopperoo Cap
Dark Arabic Silk
2 - 9x
Dark Arabic Silk
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
Happy Bunny Cap
Happy Bunny Cap
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
3 - 20x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Electrical Jelly Skin
2 - 9x
Electrical Jelly Skin
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Kangaroo Cap
Kangaroo Cap
3 - 20x
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Magnificient Deer Skin
2 - 9x
Magnificient Deer Skin
Bunny Baby Cap
Bunny Baby Cap
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
3 - 20x
Perfect Ruby
Sword of the Tempest
Sword of the Tempest
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Mystic Crystal Fragment
2 - 9x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Sword of Glowing Flame
Sword of Glowing Flame
Standard Swordsman Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Swordsman Medal
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Flaming Pistol
Flaming Pistol
Strong Eletrical Crystal
2 - 9x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Standard Hunter Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Hunter Medal
Broken Long Spear
3 - 20x
Broken Long Spear
Seal of Frozen Crescent
Seal of Frozen Crescent
Strong Eletrical Crystal
2 - 9x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
3 - 20x
Old Jack the Pirate Sail
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Glory Sigil
Glory Sigil
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Silver Ore Eolith
2 - 9x
Silver Ore Eolith
Blade of the Tempest
Blade of the Tempest
Standard Explorer Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Explorer Medal
Jack the Pirate's Badge
3 - 20x
Jack the Pirate's Badge
Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
Lightning Crystal
Staff of Sagacious
Staff of Sagacious
Standard Herbalist Medal
1 - 3x
Standard Herbalist Medal
Broken Jack's Chest
3 - 20x
Broken Jack's Chest
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Crusader Ring
Crusader Ring
Defiled Merman Scale
3 - 20x
Defiled Merman Scale
2 - 9x
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Counterattack Ring
Counterattack Ring
Rotten Fish Scale
3 - 20x
Rotten Fish Scale
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Guerrilla Warfare Ring
Guerrilla Warfare Ring
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Big Tail Scale
3 - 20x
Big Tail Scale
Sniper Ring
Sniper Ring
Evil Scale
3 - 20x
Evil Scale
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Ring of Advancement
Ring of Advancement
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Sharp Claw
3 - 20x
Sharp Claw
Mystic Crystal Fragment
2 - 9x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Eye of the Tiger
Eye of the Tiger
Long Stramonium Spike
3 - 20x
Long Stramonium Spike
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
Lightning Crystal
Ring of the Yeti
Ring of the Yeti
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Shark Tooth
3 - 20x
Shark Tooth
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Ring of the Hawk
Ring of the Hawk
Strong Eletrical Crystal
2 - 9x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Carapace Fragment
3 - 20x
Carapace Fragment
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Paw of Cheetah
Paw of Cheetah
Massive Speckled Fish Scale
3 - 20x
Massive Speckled Fish Scale
Silver Ore Eolith
2 - 9x
Silver Ore Eolith
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Wild Breeze
Wild Breeze
Heart of Glory
1 - 3x
Heart of Glory
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Sparkling Fin
3 - 20x
Sparkling Fin
Ashen Gem
Ashen Gem
Iron Fragment
2 - 9x
Iron Fragment
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Big Tail Scale
3 - 20x
Big Tail Scale
Mark of the Dragon
Mark of the Dragon
Evil Scale
3 - 20x
Evil Scale
Quartz Crystal
2 - 9x
Quartz Crystal
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Hope of Life
Hope of Life
Clarity Crystal
2 - 9x
Clarity Crystal
Sharp Claw
3 - 20x
Sharp Claw
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Symbolic Necklace
Symbolic Necklace
Long Stramonium Spike
3 - 20x
Long Stramonium Spike
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Mystic Crystal Fragment
2 - 9x
Mystic Crystal Fragment
Red Nit Gem
Red Nit Gem
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Shark Tooth
3 - 20x
Shark Tooth
Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
Lightning Crystal
Necklace of Shooting Star
Necklace of Shooting Star
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
2 - 9x
High Voltage Lightning Crystal
Carapace Fragment
3 - 20x
Carapace Fragment
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Necklace of Speed
Necklace of Speed
Strong Eletrical Crystal
2 - 9x
Strong Eletrical Crystal
Massive Speckled Fish Scale
3 - 20x
Massive Speckled Fish Scale
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Storm Necklace
Storm Necklace
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Silver Ore Eolith
2 - 9x
Silver Ore Eolith
Sparkling Fin
3 - 20x
Sparkling Fin
Charm of Encounter
Charm of Encounter
First-Mate Commerce Statue
1 - 3x
First-Mate Commerce Statue
Perfect Ruby
2 - 9x
Perfect Ruby
Frozen Bone Fragment
3 - 20x
Frozen Bone Fragment

Can be found in