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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
970 | Lucky card L | The letter L which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
971 | Lucky card M | The letter M which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
972 | Lucky card N | The letter N which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
973 | Lucky card O | The letter Q which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
974 | Lucky card P | The letter P which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
975 | Lucky Card Q | The letter Q which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
976 | Lucky card R | The letter R which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
977 | Lucky card S | The letter S which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
978 | Lucky Card T | The letter T which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
979 | Lucky Card U | The letter U which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
980 | Lucky Card V | The letter V which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
981 | Lucky Card W | The letter W which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
982 | Lucky Card X | The letter X which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
983 | Lucky Card Y | The letter Y which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
984 | Lucky Card Z | The letter Z which is used for prize exchange came from Lucky Card Chest | 0 | Common Item |
996 | Superman Certificate | Superman Certificate can upgrade your level to 60 directly! Players from level 55 to 59 can use it. | 0 | Common Item |
997 | Certificate of Mystic | Superman Certificate can upgrade your level to 60 directly! Players from level 55 to 59 can use it. | 0 | Common Item |
998 | Thruster of Mystic | 10 times the experience points in 30 minutes. Only available for players between level 65 and level 75 | 0 | Common Item |
1007 | Golden Jade Bottle | Made of pure gold and jade. Can be used to contain Reverse Love Potion. | 0 | Common Item |
1008 | Reverse Love Potion | Rumored to allow one to forget the greatest love of the life. Can cure a broken heart | 0 | Common Item |
1010 | Withered Heart | A heart filled with despair. Requires an Irrigated Heart. Will be of used during November event | 0 | Common Item |
1018 | Sewing Scroll | Sewing Scroll. Required voucher for sewing purposes | 0 | Common Item |
1020 | Blacksmith Pliers | Obtainable from Item Mall. Allow gem to be extracted from weapons or equipments | 0 | Common Item |
1022 | Rechargeable Battery | Able to recharge energy of Coral. Weak amount of energy. | 0 | Common Item |
1023 | Sewing Thread Ball | Keep it in inventory during Apparel Fusion to retain level of original equipment | 0 | Common Item |
1024 | Super Rechargeable Battery | Obtainable through Item Mall. Recharge energy of coral. High energy. | 0 | Common Item |
1026 | Argent Medical Report | Wound analyze from the hospital | 0 | Common Item |
1028 | Morph Runestone | A blessed runestone. Contains intense magical energy | 0 | Common Item |
1074 | Seed of Love | A legendary seed that will let love sprout. | 0 | Common Item |
1174 | Ancient Merman Necklace | — | 0 | Common Item |
1175 | Ancient Siren Ornaments | — | 0 | Common Item |
1176 | Massive Speckled Fish Scale | — | 0 | Common Item |
1177 | Strong Dolphin Tail | — | 0 | Common Item |
1178 | Ancient Dark Blue Long Spear | — | 0 | Common Item |
1179 | Great Shark Tooth | — | 0 | Common Item |
1180 | Glaring Dolphin Tail | — | 0 | Common Item |
1181 | Evil Spear | — | 0 | Common Item |
1182 | Razor Sharp Shark Tooth | — | 0 | Common Item |
1183 | Keen Shark Tooth | — | 0 | Common Item |
1184 | Sakira Pirate Direction Chart | — | 0 | Common Item |
1185 | Jack the Pirate's Direction Chart | — | 0 | Common Item |
1186 | Northern Pirate Direction Chart | — | 0 | Common Item |
1187 | Beardy Pirate Direction Chart | — | 0 | Common Item |
1188 | Fishy Smelling Squid Meat | — | 0 | Common Item |
1189 | Dark Black Squid Meat | — | 0 | Common Item |
1190 | Old Sakura Pirate Sail | — | 0 | Common Item |
1191 | Rusty Sakura Pirate Cannon | — | 0 | Common Item |
1192 | Thorny Rotten Water Shrub | — | 0 | Common Item |
1193 | White Sea Jelly Tentacle | — | 0 | Common Item |
1194 | Stretchy Fish Meat | — | 0 | Common Item |