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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
3783 | Lumbering Treant Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3784 | Cursed Water Fairy Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3785 | Corrupted Guardian Angel Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3786 | Jack the Pirate's Sailor Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3787 | Jack the Pirate's Fighter Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3788 | Jack the Pirate's Militia Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3789 | Cavalier Card | Creature card. Function not released | 0 | Common Item |
3790 | Jack's Sailor Emblem | — | 0 | Common Item |
3791 | Jack's Fighter Emblem | — | 0 | Common Item |
3792 | Jack's Militia Emblem | — | 0 | Common Item |
3793 | Cavalier Insignia | — | 0 | Common Item |
3794 | Jack's Sailor Bandana | — | 0 | Common Item |
3795 | Jack's Fighter Dagger | — | 0 | Common Item |
3796 | Jack's Militia Sword | — | 0 | Common Item |
3797 | Cavalier's Horsewhip | — | 0 | Common Item |
3820 | Crystal of Nimbleness | A crystal with essence of speed and agility. | 0 | Common Item |
3821 | Crystal of Enchantment | A crystal with magical properties | 0 | Common Item |
3822 | Heart of Sorrow | A crystal with essence of sadness and sorrow | 0 | Common Item |
3823 | Heart of Misery | A crystal with essence of misery | 0 | Common Item |
3824 | Demonic Giant Blade | Large blade of the demons. | 0 | Common Item |
3825 | Demonic Giant Stick | Large stick of the demons | 0 | Common Item |
3826 | Necklace of Snowman Warlord | An accessory necklace | 0 | Common Item |
3827 | Spirit Elixir | Soul crystal | 0 | Common Item |
3846 | Voodoo Doll | Remove one time death experience penalty | 0 | Common Item |
3850 | Card A | Exchange for alphabet A | 0 | Common Item |
3851 | Card B | Exchange for alphabet B | 0 | Common Item |
3852 | Card C | Exchange for alphabet C | 0 | Common Item |
3853 | Card D | Exchange for alphabet D | 0 | Common Item |
3854 | Card E | Exchange for alphabet E | 0 | Common Item |
3855 | Card F | Exchange for alphabet F | 0 | Common Item |
3856 | Card G | Exchange for alphabet G | 0 | Common Item |
3857 | Card H | Exchange for alphabet H | 0 | Common Item |
3858 | Card I | Exchange for alphabet I | 0 | Common Item |
3859 | Card J | Exchange for alphabet J | 0 | Common Item |
3860 | Card K | Exchange for alphabet K | 0 | Common Item |
3861 | Card L | Exchange for alphabet L | 0 | Common Item |
3862 | Card M | Exchange for alphabet M | 0 | Common Item |
3863 | Card N | Exchange for alphabet N | 0 | Common Item |
3864 | Card O | Exchange for alphabet O | 0 | Common Item |
3865 | Card P | Exchange for alphabet P | 0 | Common Item |
3866 | Card Q | Exchange for alphabet Q | 0 | Common Item |
3867 | Card R | Exchange for alphabet R | 0 | Common Item |
3868 | Card S | Exchange for alphabet S | 0 | Common Item |
3869 | Card T | Exchange for alphabet T | 0 | Common Item |
3870 | Card U | Exchange for alphabet U | 0 | Common Item |
3871 | Card V | Exchange for alphabet V | 0 | Common Item |
3872 | Card W | Exchange for alphabet W | 0 | Common Item |
3873 | Card X | Exchange for alphabet X | 0 | Common Item |
3874 | Card Y | Exchange for alphabet Y | 0 | Common Item |
3875 | Card Z | Exchange for alphabet Z | 0 | Common Item |