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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: December 19th, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
4648 Bandit Ring 50 Ring
4649 Bewitching Ring 50 Ring
4650 Believer's Ring 50 Ring
4651 Ring of Suppression 55 Ring
4652 Ring of Trust 55 Ring
4653 Vanishing Ring 55 Ring
4654 Ring of Binding 55 Ring
4655 Mermaid Tears 55 Ring
4656 Flame of Fury 60 Ring
4657 Stable Cliff 60 Ring
4658 Wind of the Gentle Soul 60 Ring
4659 Entwined Rattan 60 Ring
4660 Water of Miracle 60 Ring
5827 The strength in the heart the mysterious ring of flames ray of light 0 Ring
6618 Aragon's Power 65 Ring
6619 Doom Mountain 65 Ring
6620 Elendil 65 Ring
6621 Ysidor 65 Ring
6622 Gondol's Burning 65 Ring
6623 Arwen's Tear 65 Ring
6624 Deathless Valley 65 Ring
6625 Esengard's Ballyhack 65 Ring
6626 Smithchell 65 Ring
6627 Ravendell's Guard 65 Ring
6628 Fairy Diamond 65 Ring
6629 Soul's Reputation 65 Ring
6630 Ring Soul's Shouting 65 Ring
6631 Pirate's Treason 65 Ring
6632 Caribloompo 65 Ring
6633 Alond 65 Ring
6634 Rohan's Loyalty 65 Ring
6635 Gonerdolph 65 Ring
6636 Nordol Fairy 65 Ring
6637 Thorkim's Pass 65 Ring
6638 Ares 75 Ring
6639 Oceana's Tear 75 Ring
6640 Lapetau's Fire 75 Ring
6641 Hypno's Dream 75 Ring
6642 Zeus' Power 75 Ring
6643 Gaia 75 Ring
6644 Tessis 75 Ring
6645 Chris' Growth 75 Ring
6646 Cottus 75 Ring
6647 Hades' Ballyhack 75 Ring
6648 Uranos 75 Ring
6649 Hyperi's Light 75 Ring
6650 Temis' Order 75 Ring
6651 Hekat's Night 75 Ring
6652 Poseidon's Guard 75 Ring
6653 Krono 75 Ring