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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: July 14th, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
2398 Red Fog 90 Ring
2399 Blue Frost 90 Ring
2400 Breed Wind 90 Ring
2401 Purple Rain 90 Ring
2402 Glistening White Snow 90 Ring
2577 Hardin's Power 85 Ring
2578 Darkness Power 85 Ring
2579 Hell Feather 85 Ring
2580 Soul of Asura 85 Ring
2581 Styx's Demonizing 85 Ring
2582 Spirit Crystal of Abyss 85 Ring
3021 Soul of Mercantilize 85 Ring
4146 Sparkling Ring of Fish Scale Blessed Ring of Fish Scale 35 Ring
4611 Gold Ring 15 Ring
4612 Brass Ring 15 Ring
4613 Bright Silver Ring 15 Ring
4614 Fine Steel Ring 15 Ring
4615 Ruby Encrusted Ring 15 Ring
4616 Animal Tusk Ring 20 Ring
4617 Antler Ring 20 Ring
4618 Squid Ring 20 Ring
4619 Hunter Ring 20 Ring
4620 Mystic Flower Ring 20 Ring
4621 Assault Ring 25 Ring
4622 Reinforced Ring 25 Ring
4623 Ring of Force 25 Ring
4624 Ring of Aim 25 Ring
4625 Ring of Ecstasy 25 Ring
4626 Tooth of Ferocity 30 Ring
4627 Huge Bear Footprint 30 Ring
4628 Feathers of Paradise Bird 30 Ring
4629 Hoof of Nimble Deer 30 Ring
4630 Mystic Stone 30 Ring
4631 Barbaric Ring 35 Ring
4632 Cavalier Ring 35 Ring
4633 Cavalry Ring 35 Ring
4634 Shooter's Ring 35 Ring
4635 Sacrificial Ring 35 Ring
4636 Crusader Ring 40 Ring
4637 Counterattack Ring 40 Ring
4638 Guerrilla Warfare Ring 40 Ring
4639 Sniper Ring 40 Ring
4640 Ring of Advancement 40 Ring
4641 Eye of the Tiger 45 Ring
4642 Ring of the Yeti 45 Ring
4643 Ring of the Hawk 45 Ring
4644 Paw of Cheetah 45 Ring
4645 Wild Breeze 45 Ring
4646 Ring of Pharaoh 50 Ring
4647 Ring of Resistance 50 Ring