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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

ID Name Description Level Type
7538 Hypnos Lasso Lasso for the ancient art of the Hypnos 0 Common Item
7539 Herecules Lasso Lasso for the ancient art of the Herecules 0 Common Item
7540 Mini ROSO Coin Mini ROSO Coin :D 0 Common Item
7541 Empowered Nut Empowered Nut: HP +3000 and Attack power +750 for a duration of 15 minutes 0 Common Item
7542 Empowered Scorpion Empowered Scorpion: HP +4000 and Attack power +950 for a duration of 15 minutes 0 Common Item
7543 Empowered Fist Empowered Fist: HP +5000 and Attack power +1150 for a duration of 15 minutes 0 Common Item
7544 (Lv-2)ROSO Energy Card Needed to be able to use the new skills. The amount of energy needed, varies depending on the skills. 0 Energy
7545 (Lv-3)ROSO Energy Card Needed to be able to use the new skills. The amount of energy needed, varies depending on the skills. 0 Energy
7546 (Lv-4)ROSO Energy Card Needed to be able to use the new skills. The amount of energy needed, varies depending on the skills. 0 Energy
7547 Universal Lot 0 Common Item
7548 Lv1-4 RMG Chest Double clicking me will enable you to obtain Lv1-4 Rage Master Gems. 0 Common Item
7549 Lv1-4 SMG Chest Double clicking me will enable you to obtain Lv1-4 Sage Master Gems. 0 Common Item
7550 Promotion Chest When you double click me, you will obtain [VIP Set + VIP Cube Scribe|4th Rebirth Stone|Pouch of Melancholy|Character Lv Up Card(175)|Pet Lv Up Card(175)|Dark Matter Chest]. 0 Common Item
7551 Character Lv Up Card(175) Double click me and I will instantly make you level 175! 0 Common Item
7552 Lv5 Excruciating Eye Chest Double clicking me will enable you to obtain a Lv5 Excruciating Dragon Eye. 0 Common Item
7553 Lv5 Excruciating Heart Chest Double clicking me will enable you to obtain a Lv5 Excruciating Dragon Heart. 0 Common Item
7554 Lv5 Excruciating Soul Chest Double clicking me will enable you to obtain a Lv5 Excruciating Dragon Soul. 0 Common Item
7555 Holiday Box Happy Holidays! Open me up to get a special surprise! 0 Common Item
7556 Reverse Christmas Box Reverse Christmas Prize! Open me up to get a bunch of goodies!! 0 Common Item
7557 Lv1-4 Undead Azrael Double click to obtain Lv1-4 Undead Azrael 0 Common Item
7558 Lv1-4 Azrael Glare Double click to obtain Lv1-4 Arzael's Glare 0 Common Item
7559 Lv1-4 Azrael Light Double click to obtain Lv1-4 Azrael's Light 0 Common Item
7560 Lv1-4 Azrael Dance Double click to obtain Lv1-4 Azrael's Dance 0 Common Item
7561 Lv1-4 Azrael Aggregation Double click to obtain Lv1-4 Azrael's Aggregation 0 Common Item
7562 Marriage Chest Marriage Chest! Open me to obtain Valentines Day Ring for marriage! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7563 Fourth RB Chest Fourth Rebirth Chest! Open me to obtain Fourth Rebirth Stone! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7564 VIP Cube Scribe Chest VIP Cube Scribe Chest! Open me to obtain VIP Cube Scribe! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7565 Easter Egg(2017) You found an Easter Egg! Visit Event NPC - Pappa to exchange me for some rewards! 0 Common Item
7566 Lv1 Excruciating Eye Chest Double click to obtain a Lv1 Excruciating Dragon Eye. 0 Common Item
7567 Lv1 Excruciating Heart Chest Double click to obtain a Lv1 Excruciating Dragon Heart. 0 Common Item
7568 Lv1 Excruciating Soul Chest Double click to obtain a Lv1 Excruciating Dragon Soul. 0 Common Item
7569 Gambling Chest This chest will allow you to start a game of Rock Paper Scissors. (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7570 Rock Gambling Piece Piece needed for Rock Paper Scissors Game. Useless by itself. Combine with scissors and paper piece to be able to use. (Not Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7571 Scissor Gambling Piece Piece needed for Rock Paper Scissors Game. Useless by itself. Combine with rock and paper piece to be able to use. (Not Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7572 Paper Gambling Piece Piece needed for Rock Paper Scissors Game. Useless by itself. Combine with scissors and rock piece to be able to use. (Not Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7573 100 IMPs Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [100 IMPs] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7574 1,000 IMPs Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [1,000 IMPs] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7575 1,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [1,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7576 5,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [5,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7577 10,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [10,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7578 50,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [50,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7579 100,000 Credits Token Exchangeable on our website. Adds [100,000 Credits] to your account. You must be logged out during the exchange! (Trade-able) 0 Common Item
7580 100 Honor Scroll 100 Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 100 honor! 0 Common Item
7581 500 Honor Scroll 500 Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 500 honor! 0 Common Item
7582 1,000 Honor Scroll 1k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 1k honor! 0 Common Item
7583 5,000 Honor Scroll 5k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 5k honor! 0 Common Item
7584 20,000 Honor Scroll 20k Honor Scroll. Double click me to obtain 20k honor! 0 Common Item
7585 Spirit Leaf Spirit Leaf: SP +1600 and Spirit +50 for a duration of 15 minutes 0 Common Item
7586 Spirit Bouquet Spirit Bouquet: SP +3600 and Spirit +70 for a duration of 15 minutes 0 Common Item
7587 Spirit Angel Spirit Angel: SP +5600 and Spirit +90 for a duration of 15 minutes 0 Common Item