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@Spx01 Located around Argent City (2227, 2820) Stall expires in 11 days 15 hrs 54 mins 37 secs |
Stall Items
Raid Crystal | Trait Fission Tablet | Torn Trait Fission Tablet |
1x 250x | 5x 1,250x | 2x 410x |
Fairy of Constitution | Shattered Sigil | Sage Master Gem Chest |
1x 499x | 1x 10,000x | 9x 120x |
Contem Stone Bag | Mini Contem Stone Bag | Great Gem Bag |
31x 6x | 66x 2x | 88x 5x |
Upgraded Sage Armor | Upgraded Sage Gloves | |
+27 5,000x | +27 1,000x | |
Temis's Holy Chest | Lv1 Excruciating Soul Chest | Lv1 Excruciating Heart Chest |
1x 50x | 33x 7x | 26x 7x |
Note: All item details should be the same as they are in game. If you believe something is not accurate, feel free to report the item in our discord's #bug_report channel!