Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.
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EXP|Milk|Aug|IGS|Rage Weap|Potion
@DongdoTz Located around Argent City (2202, 2783) Stall expires in 9 days 17 hrs 9 mins 23 secs |
Stall Items
Rage Pass EXP | Novice Jar of Milk | Advanced Jar of Milk |
740x 150x | 3824x 25x | 1847x 50x |
Augment Mini Success Increase | Augment Success Increase | 100 IGS Crystals |
43x 6x | 12x 30x | 265x 50x |
Rage Knife&Cutter Chest | Sage Staff Chest | Rage Shield |
4x 10x | 1x 10x | 1x 20x |
Lv1-3 Excruciating Eye Chest | Lv1 Excruciating Eye Chest | Excruciating Dragon Eye |
4x 70x | 196x 10x |
25x 10x |
Earthquake Generator Lv2 | Ethereal Potion | Blessed Potion |
50x 10x | 60x 6x | 11x 20x |
Bottled Tear of Hydros | Grand Potion of Evasion | Essence of Kara |
25x 30x | 17x 20x | 33x 20x |
Note: All item details should be the same as they are in game. If you believe something is not accurate, feel free to report the item in our discord's #bug_report channel!