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Last Updated on: December 19th, 2024
PK Winner Chest Common Item |
Open to obtain a random prize for winning BH, CA or CS!
25,000G Droppable Tradable Deletable up to 999x |
2x - 3x Augment Grade Increase 8.206% chance |
1x - 2x Mini Contem Stone Bag 6.565% chance |
10x - 20x Exquisite Feed 5.744% chance |
1x Lv1 Contem Stone 5.470% chance |
1x Augment Success Increase 5.470% chance |
2x - 5x Raid Shard 5.470% chance |
10x - 15x Accessory Gems Bag 5.470% chance |
1x 100 IGS Crystals 5.470% chance |
1x - 3x Wyvern Shard 5.470% chance |
2x - 3x Great Gem Bag 5.470% chance |
1x Lv1 Great Gem Voucher 4.923% chance |
100x - 200x Augment Prevent Decrease Ore 4.923% chance |
1x - 2x Contem Stone Bag 4.376% chance |
1x Lv2 Contem Stone 4.376% chance |
1x Lv2 Great Gem Voucher 4.103% chance |
10x - 20x Augment Guarantee Increase Ore 3.829% chance |
1x Lv3 Great Gem Voucher 3.009% chance |
1x Lv3 Contem Stone 2.188% chance |
1x Rage Master Gem Chest 1.641% chance |
1x Pouch of Melancholy 1.641% chance |
1x Lv4 Great Gem Voucher 1.641% chance |
1x Sage Master Gem Chest 1.641% chance |
1x Lv5 Great Gem Voucher 1.094% chance |
1x Lv6 Great Gem Voucher 0.547% chance |
1x Event Reward Tile 0.547% chance |
1x Lv4 Contem Stone 0.547% chance |
1x Shattered Sigil 0.164% chance |
Can be found in
PK Competitor Chest 4.277% |