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Last Updated on: December 19th, 2024
Totem Box Common Item |
Open to obtain a random prize for claiming the event totem!
90G Droppable Tradable Deletable up to 5000x |
1x Gem Slot Card 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Novice Chaos Voucher 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Kylin Card 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Standard Monster Covenant 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Expert Monster Covenant 4.751% chance |
1x - 2x No-Exp Stone 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Expert Chaos Voucher 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x ROSO Speed Potion 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Standard Chaos Voucher 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Novice Monster Covenant 4.751% chance |
1x - 4x Lv1 ROSO Gem Chest 4.276% chance |
1x - 4x Lv1 SORO Gem Chest 4.276% chance |
1x Sealed Fearless Chest 3.800% chance |
1x Holy Wings 3.800% chance |
1x Lv3 Chipped Gem of the Wind 3.563% chance |
1x Lv3 Chipped Gem of Rage 3.563% chance |
1x Lv3 Chipped Gem of Soul 3.563% chance |
1x Lv3 Chipped Gem of Colossus 3.563% chance |
1x Lv3 Chipped Gem of Striking 3.563% chance |
1x - 3x 50m Note 3.325% chance |
1x - 2x 100m Note 2.850% chance |
1x - 4x Novice Blueprint 2.375% chance |
1x Chaos Bonus Book 2.375% chance |
1x Famous Cake 2.375% chance |
1x 1-Billion Note 1.425% chance |
1x Lv1-3 Excruciating Soul Chest 0.950% chance |
1x Lv1-3 Excruciating Heart Chest 0.950% chance |
1x Lv1-3 Excruciating Eye Chest 0.950% chance |
1x Creation Scroll 0.475% chance |
1x Event Reward Tile 0.475% chance |