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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: December 19th, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
7114 Diligence Badge 70 Necklace
7115 Faith Badge 70 Necklace
7116 Glory Badge 70 Necklace
7117 Element Badge 70 Necklace
7118 Snow Badge 70 Necklace
7119 Silver Badge 70 Necklace
7120 Holy Badge 70 Necklace
7121 Divinity Badge 70 Necklace
7122 Sun Badge 70 Necklace
7123 Bright Badge 70 Necklace
7293 Rage Armor Rage Armor 80 Armor
7294 Rage Gloves Rage Gloves 80 Gloves
7295 Rage Boots Rage Boots 80 Shoe
7296 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
7297 ROSO Necklace 80 Necklace
7298 Sage Armor Sage Armor 80 Armor
7299 Sage Gloves Sage Gloves 80 Gloves
7300 Sage Boots Sage Boots 80 Shoe
7397 VIP Armor VIP Armor 90 Armor
7398 VIP Gloves VIP Gloves 90 Gloves
7399 VIP Boots VIP Boots 90 Shoe
7495 Hydrus Vest Sage Armor 80 Armor
7496 Hydrus Gauntlets Sage Gloves 80 Gloves
7497 Hydrus Moccasins Sage Boots 80 Shoe
7498 Hypnos Vest Sage Armor 80 Armor
7499 Hypnos Gauntlets Sage Gloves 80 Gloves
7500 Hypnos Moccasins Sage Boots 80 Shoe
7501 Herecules Vest Sage Armor 80 Armor
7502 Herecules Gauntlets Sage Gloves 80 Gloves
7503 Herecules Moccasins Sage Boots 80 Shoe
7590 Dark Ring 150 Ring
7591 Dark Neck 150 Necklace
9158 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9159 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9160 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9161 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9162 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9163 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9164 ROSO Ring 80 Ring
9165 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9166 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9167 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9168 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9169 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9170 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9171 Dark Ring 150 Ring
9179 ROSO Necklace 80 Necklace
9180 ROSO Necklace 80 Necklace
9181 ROSO Necklace 80 Necklace
9182 ROSO Necklace 80 Necklace