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Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

ID Name Description Level Type
2817 Hardin's Bind Lv 75 Champion Boss Tattoo 75 Armor
2818 Hardin's Touch Champion 75 Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
2819 Hardin's Print Lv75 Champion Boss Boots 75 Shoe
2820 Darkness's Shadow Lv 75 Crusader Boss Torso 75 Armor
2821 Darkness's Touch 75 Crusader Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
2822 Darkness's Trace Lv 75 Crusader Boss Boots 75 Shoe
2823 Abaddon's Seal 75 Sharpshooter Boss Torso 75 Armor
2824 Abaddon's Hand 75 Sharpshooter Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
2825 Abaddon's Brace Lv75 Sharpshooter Boss Boots 75 Shoe
2826 Asura's Protection 75 Voyager Boss Torso 75 Armor
2827 Asura's Caress 75 Voyager Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
2828 Asura's Dance Lv 75 Voyager Boss Boots 75 Shoe
2829 Abyss's Possession 75 Cleric Boss Torso 75 Armor
2830 Hands of Death 75 Cleric Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
2831 Abyss's Trail Lv 75 Cleric Boss Boots 75 Shoe
2832 Styx's Torso 75 Seal Master Boss Torso 75 Armor
2833 Styx's Span 75 Seal Master Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
2834 Styx's Wanderer Lv 75 Seal Master Boss Shoes 75 Shoe
2835 Crown of Decedent 75 Boss Crown 75 Headgear
2860 Otter Muffs 50 Common Item
2866 Joyful Bunny Muffs 55 Common Item
2868 Lucky Bunny Muffs 60 Common Item
2869 Heavenly Gloves 60 Common Item
2994 Hurricane Boots 55 Common Item
2995 Whirlpool Boots 60 Common Item
2996 Wind Boots 50 Common Item
3008 Prawn Shoes 55 Common Item
3009 Pincer Shoes 60 Common Item
3017 Mercant's Protection 75 Merchant Boss Torso 75 Armor
3018 Mercant's Caress 75 Merchant Boss Gloves 75 Gloves
3019 Mercant's Dance Lv 75 Merchant Boss Boots 75 Shoe
3021 Soul of Mercantilize 85 Ring
3261 Standard Crusader Study Book Crusader's junior spellbook 50 Sword
3262 Standard Champion study book A book that records Champion's medium skill 50 Sword
3263 Standard SharpShooter study book A book that records Sharpshooter's medium skill 50 Sword
3264 Standard Cleric study book The book is about the standard Cleric's study. 50 Sword
3265 Standard SealMaster study book Seal Master's junior spellbook 50 Sword
3266 Standard Voyager study book A book that records Voyager's medium skill 50 Sword
3267 Crusader expert read A spellbook about the Crusader's senior tips. 60 Sword
3268 Expert Champion Study Book Champion's Senior spellbook 60 Sword
3269 Expert SharpShooter Study Book Sharpshooter's Senior Skill book 60 Sword
3270 Expert Cleric study book A book that records Cleric's advanced skills 60 Sword
3271 Expert SealMaster Study book A spellbook about the SealMaster's senior tips. 60 Sword
3272 Expert Voyager Study Book A book that records Voyager's advanced skills 60 Sword
3273 Useful tactic information for Crusader A book that records Crusader's combat experience 70 Sword
3274 Useful skill information for Champion The book recorded Champion's experiences. 70 Sword
3275 Useful tactic information for SharpShooter Sharpshooter's battle experience book 70 Sword
3276 Useful skill information for Cleric A book that records Cleric's combat experience 70 Sword
3277 Useful tactic information for SealMaster A spellbook about the SealMaster's battle experiences. 70 Sword
3278 Useful tactic information for Voyager A Navigator's experience book 70 Sword