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ROSO Game Database

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Last Updated on: February 10th, 2025

ID Name Description Level Type
5 Dazzling Sword 50 Sword
16 Paladin Sword 50 Greatsword
21 Charging Sword 55 Greatsword
23 Delusion Sword 55 Sword
30 Bow of Dawn One of the 2 bows made by an ancient hero. Bow of Dawn and Bow of Dusk 53 Bow
40 Exquisite Rifle 50 Firegun
45 Gattling Firegun 55 Firegun
77 Hyena Dagger 50 Dagger
84 Vampiric Kris 55 Dagger
102 Thundorian Staff Legendary weapon that when wielded, gives a lightning effect 50 Short Staff
103 Staff of Life Divine weapon that is able to heal and give life to all creatures 50 Short Staff
108 Lotus Staff 55 Short Staff
126 Blessed Shield Holy shield that radiate wondrous colors 55 Shield
228 Raging Bull Tattoo 55 Armor
229 Savage Bull Tattoo 50 Armor
299 Mithril Platemail 50 Armor
303 Silver Platemail 55 Armor
312 Emerald Vest 50 Armor
316 Ringdove Vest 55 Armor
334 Hammer of Thunder 50 Ring
343 Hurricane Vest 55 Armor
345 Wind Vest 50 Armor
346 Eye of Lightning 50 Ring
347 Wings of Light 50 Ring
348 Morning Bell 50 Ring
349 Nature's Whisper 50 Ring
355 Lobster Costume 50 Armor
357 Prawn Costume 55 Armor
363 Clever Otter Costume 55 Armor
369 Garcon Robe 50 Armor
371 Follower Robe 50 Armor
376 Healer Robe 55 Armor
379 Blessed Robe 55 Armor
382 Loopy Bunny Costume 50 Armor
385 Otter Costume 50 Armor
391 Joyful Bunny Costume 55 Armor
462 Nimble Venturer 50 Necklace
463 Labyrinth Wanderer 50 Necklace
475 Mithril Gauntlets 50 Gloves
479 Silver Gauntlets 55 Gloves
488 Emerald Gloves 50 Gloves
492 Ringdove Gloves 55 Gloves
505 Expert Thunder Coral 50 Energy
519 Hurricane Gloves 55 Gloves
521 Wind Gloves 50 Gloves
522 Expert Wind Coral 50 Energy
531 Lobster Muffs 50 Gloves
533 Prawn Muffs 55 Gloves
539 Clever Otter Muffs 55 Gloves
545 Garcon Gloves 50 Gloves