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Last Updated on: December 19th, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
6205 | Ticket to Winter Island | Teleport to Winter Island | 0 | Ticket |
7078 | Pass to Aurora Area | Teleport ticket to Aurora Area.It can only be used when the Dark Area is open. | 0 | Ticket |
7079 | Pass to Dark Area | Teleport ticket to Dark Area.It can only be used when the Dark Area is open. | 0 | Ticket |
7130 | Ticket to Temple of Lilith | Teleport to Temple of Lilith To Obtain Money | 0 | Ticket |
7131 | Ticket to Mystery Isle | Teleport to a mysterious island | 0 | Ticket |
7149 | Ticket to Dream Island | Teleport to Dream Island | 0 | Ticket |
7150 | Ticket to Demension's Castle | Teleport to Demensions | 0 | Ticket |
7151 | Ticket to Kyjj 1 | Teleport to Kyjj 1 | 0 | Ticket |
7152 | Ticket to Kyjj 2 | Teleport to Kyjj 2 | 0 | Ticket |
7153 | Ticket to Kyjj 3 | Teleport to Kyjj 3 | 0 | Ticket |
7160 | Arena | — | 0 | Ticket |
7374 | Account Lock Book | Ensures your account is safe!! | 0 | Ticket |
7419 | Gem Slot Card | Bring me to any blacksmith in order to change the location of any gem in your equipment. (Pet orbs will not work) | 0 | Ticket |
7435 | Isle of Ruin Ticket | Teleports You To Isle of Ruin. | 0 | Ticket |
7746 | Abaddon Entrance Ticket | Ticket to be able to enter Abaddon. | 0 | Ticket |