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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024
ID | Name | Description | Level | Type |
6979 | Level 2 Unique Gem Voucher | Level 2 Unique Gem Voucher | 0 | Common Item |
6980 | Black Dragon Gem Voucher | Black Dragon Gem Voucher | 0 | Common Item |
6981 | Level 2 Black Dragon Gem Voucher | Level 2 Black Dragon Gem Voucher | 0 | Common Item |
6982 | Level 3 Black Dragon Gem Voucher | Level 3 Black Dragon Gem Voucher | 0 | Common Item |
6983 | Level 3 Refine Gem Voucher | Level 3 Refine Gem Voucher | 0 | Common Item |
6986 | Azrael Gem Voucher | Random Lv1 Azrael Gem Voucher | 0 | Common Item |
6987 | Rage Bow Chest | Double click to obtain Rage Bow | 0 | Common Item |
6988 | Rage Gun Chest | Double click to obtain Rage Gun | 0 | Common Item |
6989 | Sage Dagger Chest | Double click to obtain Sage Dagger | 0 | Common Item |
6990 | Sage Staff Chest | Double click to obtain Sage Staff | 0 | Common Item |
6991 | Sage Seal Chest | Double click to obtain Sage Seal | 0 | Common Item |
6992 | Kylin Bow Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Bow | 0 | Common Item |
6993 | Kylin Gun Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Gun | 0 | Common Item |
6994 | Kylin Dagger Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Dagger | 0 | Common Item |
6995 | Kylin Staff Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Staff | 0 | Common Item |
6996 | Kylin Seal Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Seal | 0 | Common Item |
6997 | Kylin Blade Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Blade | 0 | Common Item |
6998 | Kylin Hammer Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Hammer | 0 | Common Item |
7058 | Daily Investigation Quest Apparel Chest | Double click to obtain the Wanderer's Apparel. | 0 | Common Item |
7059 | 45BOSS Equipment Chest | Must be Lvl 40+ to open. Open and you may receive Lvl 45 BOSS Equipment, which can be used after the second class change. | 0 | Common Item |
7060 | Bounty Hunter Card A | cards exclusively for Bouty Hunters. Collect a complete set of cards and redeem them for rewards with Magician Shina. | 0 | Common Item |
7061 | Bounty Hunter Card B | cards exclusively for Bouty Hunters. Collect a complete set of cards and redeem them for rewards with Magician Shina. | 0 | Common Item |
7062 | Bounty Hunter Card C | cards exclusively for Bouty Hunters. Collect a complete set of cards and redeem them for rewards with Magician Shina. | 0 | Common Item |
7063 | Bounty Hunter Card D | cards exclusively for Bouty Hunters. Collect a complete set of cards and redeem them for rewards with Magician Shina. | 0 | Common Item |
7064 | Bounty Hunter Card E | cards exclusively for Bouty Hunters. Collect a complete set of cards and redeem them for rewards with Magician Shina. | 0 | Common Item |
7065 | Bounty Hunter Card F | cards exclusively for Bouty Hunters. Collect a complete set of cards and redeem them for rewards with Magician Shina. | 0 | Common Item |
7082 | ROSO Coin Chest | Double click to obtain ROSO Neck | 0 | Common Item |
7094 | Kylin Knife&Cutter Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Knife and Cutter | 0 | Common Item |
7095 | Rage Knife&Cutter Chest | Double click to obtain Rage Knife and Cutter | 0 | Common Item |
7124 | Lvl 70 Necklace Voucher | Double click to get a Lvl 70 Necklace. | 0 | Common Item |
7127 | Angela Junior Egg | Double click to obtain a pet Angela Junior. | 0 | Common Item |
7128 | Hourglass | Calculates your total weekend time during the event. | 0 | Common Item |
7129 | Mystic Gift Bag | Double click to obtain mystic rewards. | 0 | Common Item |
7132 | Kylin Fragment Gift Bag | Double click to obtain 25x Kylin Fragments. | 0 | Common Item |
7134 | Fairy Thunder Egg | Double click to obtain a pet Fairy of Thunder. | 0 | Common Item |
7135 | Fairy Light Egg | Double click to obtain a pet Fairy of Light. | 0 | Common Item |
7136 | Fairy Dark Egg | Double click to obtain a pet Fairy of Darkness. | 0 | Common Item |
7137 | August 1 Egg | Double click to obtain a pet August 1. | 0 | Common Item |
7138 | August 2 Egg | Double click to obtain a pet August 2. | 0 | Common Item |
7139 | August 3 Egg | Double click to obtain a pet August 3. | 0 | Common Item |
7140 | August 4 Egg | Double click to obtain a pet August 4. | 0 | Common Item |
7141 | Kylin Apparel Chest | Double click to obtain Kylin Apparel Set | 0 | Common Item |
7142 | Lv4 Manu-Pack | This pack contains 30x Lv4 of the following items [Grenade, Flash bomb, Radiation, Soul Detector, Carrion Ball, Earthquake Generator] | 0 | Common Item |
7143 | Potion-Pack | This pack contains 15x Blessed potions and 20x of the following cooking items [Prawn Dumpling, Tigerfish Bone Crisp, Ratfish Rice, China Clay, BBQ Shark Fin] | 0 | Common Item |
7144 | ROSO Helm Chest | Double click to obtain ROSO Helm | 0 | Common Item |
7145 | Fury Kylin Blade Chest | Double click to Obtain 2x Fury Kylin Blades | 0 | Common Item |
7146 | Fury Rage Blade Chest | Double click T\to Obtain 2x Fury Rage Blades | 0 | Common Item |
7147 | FC Level Up Bag | Double click to obtain the exp required to become a FC player! | 0 | Common Item |
7148 | DS Level Up Bag | Double click to obtain the exp required to become a DS Player! | 0 | Common Item |
7154 | Lunatic - Crus | Double click to obtain the Dream Island skill for Crusaders | 0 | Common Item |