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Last Updated on: December 23rd, 2024

ID Name Description Level Type
2412 Password EF Collect whole set to enter underwater research center of the Navy 0 Common Item
2413 Beer of Pirate Favorite drink of the pirates. Seems to have some mysterious power 0 Common Item
2414 BBQ Meat of Pirate Favorite food of the pirates 0 Common Item
2415 Elizabeth Necklace Blacksmith to Elizabeth's necklace of love 0 Quest Item
2416 Proposal Ring Wedding ring from Turner to Elizabeth 0 Quest Item
2417 Cursed Treasure Glittering treasure that was cursed by??? 0 Quest Item
2418 Sail Normal ship sail. Cannot sail without it! 0 Quest Item
2419 Pirate's Bone Bones of dead pirates 0 Common Item
2420 Husk Shield Shield made from husk. Provides little defense 10 Shield
2421 Steel Shield Shield made from steel. Able to absorb damage from low level weapon 23 Shield
2422 Tower Shield Hugh shield that is able to cover a whole person behind it 32 Shield
2423 Feather Shield 35 Shield
2424 Crevice Shield 44 Shield
2425 Blessed Shield Holy shield that radiate wondrous colors 53 Shield
2426 Wyrm Shield 62 Shield
2427 Bloodied Coin Coin with blood splattered on it 0 Quest Item
2428 Captain Gold Plate Symbol of the Captain for Black Pearl 0 Quest Item
2429 Captain Token Symbol of the Captain for Black Pearl 0 Quest Item
2430 Letter to General Turner Letter from Thundoria Navy Commander to General Turner 0 Quest Item
2431 Challenge Letter Jack of Magical Ocean challenge letter to Jack Sparrow 0 Quest Item
2432 Message of Sparrow Jack Sparrow's message to General Turner 0 Quest Item
2433 Jack's Gift Jack Sparrow's wedding gift to Elizabeth 0 Quest Item
2434 Arrow 02 0 Arrow
2435 Turner's Gift General Turner's wedding gift to Elizabeth 0 Quest Item
2436 Holy Bible Required item to enter Heaven 0 Common Item
2437 Treasure Chest Rumored to be the treasures of Pirate King Roland 0 Quest Item
2438 Gold Coin Cursed gold coin. Source of energy for the undead army 0 Common Item
2439 Sentry Fragment Fragment from old sentry post. Does not have much value 0 Quest Item
2440 Lock of Mystic A mysterious lock. Can bind player's inventory upon logging off the game to avoid item lost. 0 Common Item
2441 Superglue Records the battle between the Navy and Undead army 0 Quest Item
2442 Sunken Cupboard Cupboard from a war galley which is sunken for many years. Seems to hold many treasures 0 Common Item
2443 Sunken Cupboard Cupboard from a war galley which is sunken for many years. Seems to hold many treasures 0 Common Item
2444 Heart of Davy Jones Who ever possess it will have total control of Davy Jones 0 Quest Item
2445 Caribbean Tour Ticket Teleports you to Caribbean Gulf 0 Ticket
2446 Event Pass (Skeletar Isle) Event ticket. Teleports to Skeletar Isle upon usage 0 Ticket
2447 Pass to Skeletar Isle? Teleports to Skeletar Isle upon usage 0 Ticket
2448 Gunpowder 02 0 Ammunition
2449 Shark Meat A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2450 Shark Roe A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2451 Sharkfin A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2452 Shark Bone A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2453 Shark Fillet A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2454 Caviar A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2455 Sharkfin Porridge A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2456 Fish Bone Soup A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2457 Mustard A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2458 Salt A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2459 Rice A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2460 Clear Water A source of water for the killer cactus 0 Quest Item
2461 Goddess Mudstone Precious stone that all Bewildered Researchers seek. Give it to them for great rewards! 0 Common Item